Wigram Vet Services Information
Vaccinations and Health Checks
We recommend vaccinating your pets to reduce the risk of them catching infectious diseases.
We can help if you are unsure about the right time to vaccinate your pet. Normally a kitten or puppy is vaccinated around 8 weeks of age, followed by a booster shot at or after 12 weeks of age.
Vaccination Titre Testing to measure your pet\’s level of protective antibodies is available as an alternative to an annual vaccination.
Adult dogs and cats should have an annual health check, which provides preventative care and early detection of any health issues.
Parasite Control
How often should I worm my pet?
Puppies & kittens – start worming at 2 weeks, and repeat every 2 weeks until 12 weeks of age. Worm monthly until your puppy or kitten is 6 months old, then continue once every 3 months.
- Breeding bitches – treat during the pregnancy. Then one week before whelping. Repeat 3 to 4 weeks after the birth.
- Breeding queens – treat at mating and again just before kittening. Repeat 3-4 weeks after the birth.
- Adult dogs & cats – Every 3 months.
- Newly acquired adult pets – Worm on arrival and repeat 2 weeks later. Continue with a single dose every 3 months.
Dental Care
Wigram Vet clinic perform dental procedures under general anaesthetic, such as removing tartar with an ultrasonic de-scaler and polishing the teeth.We are able to remove fractured or unhealthy teeth, oral masses, or retained baby teeth. Where appropriate, pain relief and antibiotics are given during and after the dental procedure.
Dental disease and its consequences can be avoided by bringing your pet to your veterinarian for regular dental checkups and dental cleaning. Our staff members can also show you how to brush your pets teeth, and help you to choose the appropriate dental products for your pet.
Bacteria from dental disease can affect the whole body by entering the bloodstream and cause damage to your pets kidneys, heart, or liver.
Signs and Symptoms of Dental Disease:
- Bad Breath
- Tartar (Yellow-Brown build up on teeth)
- Red and Swollen gums
- Pain or bleeding when your pet eats or when gums are touched
- Decreased appetite or difficulty eating
- Loose or missing teeth
Cat Friendly
We are a Cat Friendly Clinic!
Our clinic has been designed with cats in mind. From a seperate cat waiting area, consult room, a cat-only hospital ward, and spacious overnight accomodation.
Most importantly, our staff are trained and confident in handling cats in a low stress manner.
Flea treatment
Regular treatment and prevention of fleas is important for the health and comfort of both you and your pet. If you are worried about fleas or wanting to purchase a flea treatment, talk to the reception staff at Wigram Vets. They will be able to discuss with you on the best options to suit you and your pet.
Remember, the adult flea accounts for a very small proportion of the flea life cycle so if you see only a few adult fleas, there may be many eggs and larvae present in carpets, bedding, and sofas. An infestation could be much worse than you think.
If you have more than one pet at home, you will need to treat them all at the same time.
We understand that surgery can be an anxious time for you and your pet. At Wigram Vet we will ensure your pet is as comfortable and stress-free as possible.
We are experienced at performing both routine and advanced surgeries – everything from neuters and spays, lump removals through to more complicated abdominal surgery and orthopaedics.
Effective pain relief is vital to the successful recovery of our patients and we combine a number of pain relief medications and techniques to ensure your pet is pain free during and post-surgery.
Our veterinarians and nurses are fully trained in all aspects of anaesthesia, and ensure that each patient is monitored closely for comfort and pain levels pre, during, and post-anaesthesia.